We started activities under the mobility program for young scientists.
Classes and consultations take place in the Polo Didattico D. Pantaleoni building of the University of Macerata. The university functions in historic and modern buildings scattered throughout the city. Łukasz Kowalski from Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie cooperates with local scientists.

Below a few words from Filip Postępski, who is in KU Leuven, Belgium.
“On the first week of my stay in Belgium at KU Leuven I had a great opportunity to meet Professor Bart Vanrumste, his associates and PhD students of Group T Campus. I made a speech on introduction to EEG and told listeners about my current research topics. Presentation ended up with interesting discussion, perfect questions and new ideas. Every day at this Campus there is something happening: meetings, conferences, poster sessions, integration. This is an inspiring and living place – thanks to the staff and students”.

In final 8 ESRs from Uni-Lublin will take part in the mobility programme in following REINITIALISE research areas:
– ethical and legal principles that might steer the design of ehealth applications;
– how the communication on health on the digital media impacts on individuals’ freedom of choice and can generate self-deception mechanisms;
– economic and social impact and consequences of the technological innovation in e-health that should orient AI and machine learning